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GOAT Debate!!

GOAT Debate!!

Basketball fans always argue about who is the greatest of all time or GOAT. Is it michael jordan who won six championships in the 90s or is it leBron james who has been amazing for many years? One day me and my friends  started talking about this debate.

Okay so whats your name my name is omar. What’s your name my name is avian. Okay so who do you think is the goat Michael jordan. what about you omar  Lebron duhh. I think lebron is the goat but thats just me. How jordan won 6 rings and made basketball into what it is today. Curry changed the game of basketball look at people now they sparking 20+ 3s a game because of curry no lead is safe because of curry more people go for 3s now then back then he changed the game to wouldnt that make him the goat then. Okay but curry had help from kd and klay and draymond but jordan had to carry his team.

Bro are you okay jordan had scottie and rodman. Okay lebron had kyrie d wade kevin love westbrook anthony davis carmelo anthony and i can keep going. Okay the crazy part is none of them were in their prime but rodman and scottie were both in their prime playing with prime jordan at that. And dont forget mj was playing plumbers and school teachers people did not know how to play defense back then. Look at Lebron he played prime curry the only team that went 73-9 and he played prime kwahi kevin durant tim duncan i can keep going bro. There was no competition back in the days like there is now. But that dont change the fact Jordan has 6 rings against john stockten karl malone hakeem magic and more there were so many tuff players back in the day.

And look at lebron he is 40 still the best player on his team and look at jordan right when he hit 37 he became washed and dont forget when scottie and rodman left he sturggled to even make the play ins and lebron is carrying his team at 40 making the playoffs. And Lebron has the most amount of points in the nba and is the first person to play with his son look at his longtivity he has been the best player for 2 decades if that dont make him the goat to you gang i dont know what would.

Alright bro you got it i guess lebron is the goat.

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