Project Oil Drilling Gone Wrong



The new oil drilling project in Alaska that was introduced by Joe Biden has so many people frustrated and angry because of the massive increase in climate warming, as well as the environmental impact on the delicate ecosystems in Alaska’s national parks. It could endanger the species that lives there  like Polar bears. People have been protesting on social media.


Despite heavy opposition from environmental activists, a viral TikTok campaign and a campaign promise by President Joe Bien to move the U.S. away from fossil fuels, the federal government greenlit a controversial oil drilling project on pristine Alaska. 

Climate activists were outraged that Biden approved the project, which they say puts his climate legacy at risk. It will affect climate change and also global warming and will affect the environment in a negative way in the next couple of years. The approval came as the interior department announced it was going to ban any future oil and gas drilling in the US Arctic Ocean, as well as protect millions of acres of Alaska land deemed sensitive to Native communities. But the Willow decision has still stirred anger.

Biden’s administration formally approved Willow, a massive oil drilling project in Alaska. The $8 billion project spearheaded by corporate giant ConocoPhillips is slated to produce over 600 million barrels of crude oil over 30 years, which will produce the equivalent of roughly two million cars’ worth of carbon pollution every year which is a lot of pollution going into the atmosphere. Former Vice President Al Gore said it would be “recklessly irresponsible” for Biden to sign off on the project. “The pollution it would generate will not only put Alaska native and other local communities at risk, it is incompatible with the ambition we need to achieve a net-zero future.”

According to an article found on tiktok,  environmental groups have opposed the idea due to the current increase in global warming, and since the release of carbon dioxide and other chemicals for the sake of millions of barrels to be produced. Relying on social media people have tried to stop the project hashtag #StopWillow in posts that has more than tens of millions of views.